Bucket Build 2017


150 container gardens, built from scratch, companion-planted with either a tomato or pepper and herb transplant, tagged with a gardener support group outreach card... 20 Gleaning Project volunteers and 10 Master Gardeners having an awesome time together, accomplishing all that work in just 1 hour...

Every single bucket garden distributed to local families struggling with food insecurity over the next 2 days...   Bucket Build 2017 was a huge success.

The Gleaning Project only accomplishes our mission of reducing hunger and improving nutrition in South Central PA with your help.  We're a community solution.  And this Bucket Build 2017 - our glean season opening event - is pretty simple math.

Buckets + Potting Mix + Compost + Plants + Volunteers = Community Solution

We have great thanks for our community supporters of this project.  And hope you'll support them too.

Buckets from Cathy!
Buckets from Cathy!

Buckets recovered from local grocery stories, provided by Cathy Jo Wallick and Ken Althoff.

potting mix from Countryside Gardens
potting mix from Countryside Gardens

Potting mix from Jan and Jerry Althoff at Countryside Gardens - Gettysburg's absolute best local garden center and giant supporter of The Gleaning Project.

compost from Harry Rotz
compost from Harry Rotz

Compost from Harry Rotz Jr. - Franklin County's only chemical free, lawn and garden waste drop-off location, AND composting facility.  From whom you can buy some of the very best, chemical-free lawn/garden compost around.  By the bag or bucket loader, or applied to your lawn by Harry.  Just call Harry - (717) 267-1489.


And plants!  Leftovers from the annual Master Gardener Plant Sale here in Franklin County, along with some container-specific varieties grown extra special for this community outreach project.  Anyone interested in becoming a gardener or picking up new skills through any of their excellent workshop series, please check them out here online or here on Facebook.

And that's what it takes...  Community members with the ability to support our efforts through their material donations and recycling.  Volunteers sharing their time and helping us build something great.  A great community resource and partner in the Franklin County Master Gardeners providing the gardening know-how and guidance.

Put it all together and you get the beginnings of a community solution to hunger and food insecurity.