Why do you volunteer?


"I started volunteering with the Gleaning Network in the spring of 2009 when it was started in Adams County but became much more active when I retired in 2010. Before my involvement, I would have never realized how much produce was going to waste that could be harvested and used for the needy and less fortunate of Adams County.

Volunteering is so rewarding! It gives me a warm feeling to know that I am able to help others. I feel blessed to be able to help provide nutritious, healthy fruits and veggies to the recipients of our efforts with this produce that would otherwise never be harvested.

I have had the good fortune to be healthy enough to do this much needed work and feel honored and privileged to do this service for my community!

I would just like to add that our volunteers never do this service for any recognition. We simply do it because we know it is a needed program and it is the right thing to do. It bothers me when I know there is produce out there going to waste and either we don’t have enough volunteers or the ones that we do have don’t have the opportunities to get to the growers to harvest before it spoils or rots in the fields.

We have definitely seen the fruits of our efforts many, many times over."

Ken Althoff volunteered 89.75 hours in 2014. So far in 2015, he has donated 120.75 hours of his time.

Why do you volunteer?